Friday, January 13, 2012

Pop That Bubble

So... Dia has done it again.

This morning I was bustling around just like any other school day morning.  Dia's tooth fairy present was a set of plush Angry Birds and, as she was munching breakfast, they were demanding to be fed bird seed.  Of course this was make believe but Dia's brand of make believe is pretty compelling, so without thinking about it I told the Angry Birds that they'd have to hold on a second because I was doing a million things at once.

"Four, Mom"  Dia said.
"Four - you are doing four things I think.  Making coffee, fixing breakfast, packing my lunch and feeding the Angry Birds."

I countered that I was also getting Albert his breakfast and was thinking about a problem I woke up to at work, so it was more like 6 things, but I conceded she was right in that I wasn't doing a million things at once.

"So just do one thing and pop the other bubbles" she instructed me.
I didn't understand the bubble analogy and asked her about it and that's when my wiser than wise kid said this:

"Just focus on one thing.  One important thing.  Just make breakfast.  When you start thinking about making coffee, just pop that thought bubble.  It's not important so pop it.  When you are done with the one thing then do the next thing, but pop the other bubbles so you only do one thing at a time."

I stared at her for a second.  Then I grabbed a piece of paper, wrote "Pop the Bubbles!" on it in big letters and taped it up on my wall above my desk. 

Damn child.  What's next?

(Oh, and I did correct her on the fact that coffee was actually very very important.)

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