Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Customer of the Month


This is Dia. She's cuter than you.

Let's see how Dia fared with the BNW Customer O'The Month Questionnaire, shall we?

1) Who are you, what do you do, and how long have you been shopping at The World?
(name, age, occupation, status, etc, please...)

My name is Dia C. and I'm a Kindergarten student.  I am 5 years old and I'm not married.  I'm not old enough.  I do have a job: taking care of my cat, Albert, but I don't get paid for that.  I have been shopping at Brave New World about 1 year now I think.

2) What do you read on a regular basis? Favorites? Hated?

I read books and comics a lot.  Like 15-16 hours. 
Favorites:  The pop-ups!
Favorite Comic:  I don't have one.  They are all my favorites, but I really like Super Dinosaur, Kid Houdini and Shrek.
Hated:  The ones that are just very, very boring.

3) If you could have any super power, what would it be?

To go really, really fast - like a 1 minute mile!

4) What makes you think comics are cool for a girl your age?

They are so cool because you don't know the answer until you get the next one and it's always a surprise.  That's why I love them sooooooo much!

5) What got you interested in comics in the first place?

Tiffany.  She was my nanny.  She brang my first comic (Super Dinosaur) to read to me.

6) How are you going to spend your $25 Brave New Bucks for being the Customer of the Month??

The next comic of Super Dinosaur!  Or maybe the How To Talk Zombie book.  I love that one.

7) What else would you like the BNW masses to know? Website, personal motto, etc, etc? You tell us!
Be there!  It's so fun.  They have good comic books and cool real books too. 
(I asked her what her personal motto was and she said:  "If you drink it and you don't like it, stop drinking it!"  HA!)

Dia, you're the best! Thanks for being exactly the kind of customer Brave New World likes to have. Smart, adorable, and wearing awesome kicks! (and special thanks to your mom, Katie, and that awesome nanny Tiffany!) Now come get your $25 Brave New Bucks!
There's a new Super Dinosaur this week!

1 comment:

  1. Dia went to pick up her Kid Houdini at Brave New World Comics and ended up endearing herself to the owners. She was named Customer of the Month and was interviewed. These are direct quotes, so forgive her grammar!
