Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Thy Wrath

I can't keep my temper any longer. I don't know if it's my advanced age or simply my situation. Going to Children's Hospital every single week can turn your perspective on things a bit. I admit I don't have much tolerance for people's petty complaints and tenacious focus on inconsequential matters in their white-bread, First World lives. Still, I try to understand.

But now y'all are preaching that your god has found a reason to step into the dealings of this earth. It's not to save sick kids. It's not to bring about peace. In fact, He doesn't interfere with wars and He doesn't get particularly bothered over malevolent rulers or genocide. But homosexuals getting married? Yeah that's a huge problem.

Look, I try to stay in a positive place. I believe - very strongly I might add - in a presence that is benevolent and is, in a word, LOVE. I don't know if that's God, Jesus, Allah, he who cannot be named, or the freaking Spaghetti Monster. I don't really care. I just know that it rained the other day. Not much, but it did. I'd prayed for it and it rained. And for me? That was enough to raise my spirits and raise my faith and continue my prayers that all those kids at Children's and that my kid will get to grow up. I'm not asking for them to grow up to become anything at all but alive and hopefully well. Gay, straight, or in-between is fine.

But God seems to have a different opinion on that matter. Apparently, he's fine with kids being sick and dying, but being homosexual is truly troublesome. He isn't angry at the child abusers and He's just fine with rapists. He can't rile himself up over the cruelty of man against man, but He sure as hell gives a boatload of fucks over who is sleeping with whom.

The Good People are warning us: God's wrath is about to come down. He's so utterly disgusted that He may even destroy us ALL - even the God-abiding ones. Oh no. Wait. They are saved. But the rest of us - those who live their lives with love and generosity and CARE for their fellow man - He's gonna' throttle us. He's going to rain down because we extended our hearts and our understanding and our tolerance.

He cannot turn His attention to human suffering for that is part of the Great Plan. He cannot interfere with the cruelties we commit upon each other, for - again- it is the Way. But THIS? This is intolerable.

So to the parents sitting by their children's bedsides, arguing with doctors, researching desperately for a cure, foregoing sleep, foregoing food, begging their God for a miracle?

He can't be bothered with that right now. He's too busy worrying about the gays.

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