Thursday, March 8, 2012

History Shmistory

Why do people study history?
  1. to learn from past mistakes
  2. to prevent future misfalls
  3. to help us understand our world 
  4. to have a semblance of control
  5. all of the above
In the world of Type A and Type B personalities, I am a type D.  It's not so much that I'm lazy but I hate chaos, drama and stress.  I hate those things so much so that I almost pathologically analyze whatever has gone wrong so as to avoid any repeat stressors.  Mind you, this can be as insignificant as preventing a search for my keys in the morning to something as complicated as avoiding a bad relationship. Whatever bad stuff has ever happened in my life, I study the history thereof and try to learn from my mistake and/or understand the cause so I can prevent it from ever recurring.

So here's the thing: My heart's gone bad again.  We are talking anatomy here, folks.  I'm still a good person, but my heart is broken in the literal sense and that wasn't supposed to happen again.

See, I had studied my earlier "mistakes" and I thought I understood why I'd been burdened with a bad ticker.  I understood that the life I'd led before probably contributed to my illnesses - from a holistic sense.  Now?  Now I was supposed to be impervious.  I thought I'd become invincible.  I thought I was all fixed up and ready to go forever.  I thought the joy I lived - through the gift of my children, to my every day gratitude, to the true contentedness where I normally dwell - well, I thought that would protect me from ever being sick again.  I mean, I barely ever got so much as a sniffle.  Certainly since Dia's been born I can count on half a hand how many times I've been ill.  Yes, I thought I was the epitome of health and would be to infinity and beyond.

And OK - I noticed palpitations sometimes.  Whatever.  Everyone has those right?  And, yeah, my blood pressure would careen into some bottom dwelling version of everyone else's - but that's just how I roll - and my little ol' heart would just kick in and start beating like crazy and bring it up to a more respectable level.  So I was good.  I was good forever.  Damnit.

But then recently I've been experiencing a dizzy I can't blame on being blond.  While I was fighting to stay conscious and take my vitals at the same time, I plopped on the blood pressure cuff and it wouldn't even register.  Oh, I'm good at this folks.  I can prevent myself from fainting like no one.  I mean, if there's an award out there for staying conscious I win it.  So I did - stay conscious, that is - and once my blood pressure was finally up enough for the stupid cuff to read something, my heart, it seemed, was just cold chillin.'  I swear I must have interrupted a nice bong session in there as slow as it was beating and I found myself actually talking to it.  Out loud.  Scolding it in fact.  "Dude!  What ARE you doing?  If the blood pressure crashes, you kick in!?  What the hell!"

When there was enough oxygen to my brain for me to realize how stupid it was to have a heart-to-heart conversation with my heart, and after a few more episodes (because I really did think I was invincible so a one-off crash wasn't credible enough), I called the doctor.

After a test or two (or eight) and a 24 hour holter monitor (a favorite of mine because I look like a terrorist with all those wires coming off me) it turns out it is my heart.  Again.  Fucker.

Yeah, I said it.  I'm pissed at it.  I mean, seriously.  During the holter test, they discovered that I have another dummy AV node.  I will admit that after my surgery the cardiologist made mention that there might have actually been 3 of them.  One that works, one that he cauterized (that was causing all the trouble) and one that hadn't activated.  Seems the Wonder Twins have now activated.  In the form of....palpitations!

But the fun part is that's not even what's causing this crap.  It's the lazy heart.  It's exactly what I said.  My heart is supposed to deal with the fact that my blood pressure crashes and now it's not doing it's job for whatever reason.  I'd fire it and replace its sorry ass if I could, but I fear that would cause the very thing I want to avoid here: surgery.  Again.

Then, to further complicate things, once all this information sunk in I got pissy and generally frustrated and the wonderful bliss - the same bliss that I felt protected me from ever falling ill again - is getting beaten up.  So there lies the dilemma.  I really did believe that the positive mindset - the gratefulness, the joy, the appreciation - kept me healthy.  I really did believe in the psychosomatic aspects of our health.  This was the lesson I learned from the first go 'round.  Keep it positive; claim your health; claim your joy and all will be well.

Sure enough, when I consulted my personal bible "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay and looked up low blood pressure, the healing thought pattern is "I now choose to live in the ever-joyous NOW.  My life is a joy."  and when I flipped to heart problems I see "Joy. Joy. Joy.  I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind and body and experience."   But riddle me this Batman:  How the holy hell do I live in joy joy joy when I'm pissed pissed pissed that I'm broken again again again???

I'll admit I might have gotten a little less joyous over the past year than I had the year prior.  Finances got tighter than ever and I had to pick up more work leaving less free time and a tougher schedule.  I got less sleep and less time to play.   But are we suggesting, dear universe, that if I don't live my life lolly-gagging about eating bon bons and touring France (which would certainly bring me joy times three) then I'm going to fall apart?  I call foul there.  Foul, I say!

I still believe in the holistic idea of health and I still believe we can heal our lives, but I refuse to believe that if we falter even for a moment all the good we've done to date is negated.  I think the most frustrating part of this life is never understanding the why of history - or of current events - that follow no logical cause and effect.  It's just random isn't it?  Nothing to see here folks.  Move along.  Nothing to learn here either.  It's just the luck of the draw.

For this hand?  I guess I just have to play the cards I was dealt really, really well.


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